Wednesday, March 20, 2013
Delinquent Tax Accounts To Be Turned Over To Chancery Court
Lawrence County Trustee Kiley Weathers has announced that all 2011 county property, personal property, and public utility taxes left unpaid at the end of March will be turned over for collection through Chancery Court.
Weathers said that taxes bearing a March post mark will be accepted. Through Thursday, March 28 taxes may be paid at the Trustee’s Office located inside the County Administration Center on West Gaines Street.
Business hours are Monday through Friday, 8:00 – 4:30. They are also accepting payment of 2012 taxes.
You are also welcome to take advantage of the drop box located in the parking lot of the Lawrence County Courthouse.
For additional information or questions you may contact the Trustee’s office at 766-4181.